Archive for the ‘David’s posts’ Category

Let’s Talk Bears

I watched this porn movie called “Bay City Bears” the other day, and was left confused. What, exactly, qualifies you to be a bear? Most of the men in the movie were older; some looked as if they could be about 50. One guy was hot, hot, hot, probably in his 30s, and was almost [...]

January 18, 2011 • Tags:  • Posted in: David's posts, Ramblings • No Comments

Talk Dirty To Me

Okay, so I’m making out with a guy the other night. Halfway through the session, he says to me, “Stop talking to me like this is a porn flick.” WTF? I don’t remember what I was saying, but I would imagine it was in the third person, and probably sounded something like “suck that big [...]

How do the pornstars do it? Or: The blog post about cumming

How do you think porn stars hold it in for so long before they shoot? Honestly, I have no idea. I know that clips are not fluid, and there’s lots of editing. Does that mean that stars cum, then wait a bit, and do it again? Or do they do it again only if they [...]

You know you’ve fantasized about your boss, too…

I had a boss a while back that I couldn’t stand. He was arrogant, stubborn, demeaning. I never heard any of his employees (I’d guess about 20 people) say a good thing about him. I was one of only two guys on staff; and the women claimed he was a sexist pig. The other guy [...]

December 3, 2010 • Tags:  • Posted in: David's posts, Ramblings • No Comments

Will Porn Ever Be Mainstream?

When I think of how far gay people have come in the world—TV, movies, politics, etc.—I have to wonder if it will ever be acceptable for gay porn stars to in mainstream societal niches. There was that Republican candidate awhile back who got derailed cause he was caught on a date with a gay porn [...]

Does porn make you sexier?

I’ve been watching a lot of porn lately, and I’ve started to wonder if it affects my sex life. I don’t tell people I watch it (unless I know they do, or it comes up for some other reason). However, when guys sleep with me now, I feel more experienced. Yes, I know, that sounds [...]

An Interesting Lesson On How To Get Off

I spent a weekend recently with a guy I’ve been dating, and we’d never been alone together. He’s smart, handsome, successful, and weird in bed! I always forget how many strange fetishes exist in the world, and how often your average Joe’s make for strange bedfellows. This guy, who’s well known in the gay Atlanta [...]

Alright, so I like big cocks…

I like big dicks in real life, and I like them in porn. I have no idea if there is a “measurement” requirement in porn, but I’d be curious to know how big other guys need them to be. Someone emailed me today and said they didn’t care for Reese Rideout, because his cock’s not [...]

Do you watch straight porn?

About a month ago, one of my friends told me to watch straight porn on his TV. He has some cable porn channel, and loves it. I’ve seen straight porn, as, like most gay guys, that was pretty much all I got to watch back in the closeted college days. But, as a grown-up who [...]

Watching porn with a partner?

There’s a couple of things I won’t do with lovers, but a biggie is watch porn. Someone just told me that makes me a prude, but if I’m with a guy, I want him paying attention to me. I’ve had a few boyfriends, and in all honesty, none of them have ever asked or suggested [...]

August 31, 2010 • Tags:  • Posted in: David's posts, Ramblings • No Comments
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