The GOP is Vying For the Gay Vote

Well the times they are a changing last month as Republican leaders are now slowly beginning to embrace the idea of gay marriage equality. Recently former McCain campaign manager Steve Schmid argued that there was a “strong conservative case to be made in favor of gay marriage” and that more and more Republicans are dropping their opposition to the cause. “Marriage is an institution that strengthens and stabilizes society. It is an institution that has the capacity to bring profound joy and happiness to people and it is a matter of equality and keeping faith of one of the charters of the nation, the right to live your life,” Schmidt explained to the Huffington Report.  The remarks came after former RNC chairmen Ken Mehlman hosted a major same-sex marriage fundraiser with top GOP donors to help support the cause. Mehlman, who recently came out, explained that legalizing same sex marriage falls in line with the GOP’s stance on less government in the private lives of citizens.

Considering that the Obama administration, in addition to doing absolutely nothing in general, has fallen short on any promises to support gay rights or gay marriage, Republican strategists may just be focusing on turning the tides come 2012. See, when you vote for the Ricky Martin of politics to be President and then find out a year later that he is kind of a joke, doesn’t it make you wanna turn back time and show Hillary the love she deserved?


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