Gay porn gallery: Video Boys – Isaac Waite and Ryan Emerson

When we matched Isaac Waite and Ryan Emerson, it was one of those rare occasions when we have arranged a scene as a sort of “blind date”. Ryan and Isaac had seen each other in pictures enough to know that they had found each other cute but they had never actually met until they arrived for the video.

There was a lot of silence at first. Both guys are a bit shy and while we were setting up and taking some pictures they barely said a word to each other. But then we asked them to take a private moment in a separate room to get each other hard and when they came out, they were transformed into a pair of beasts in heat. This was one of the sweatiest scenes of all time.

June 29, 2010 • Tags:  • Posted in: Gay porn gallery

One Response to “Gay porn gallery: Video Boys – Isaac Waite and Ryan Emerson”

  1. SupraBoy - June 29, 2010


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