Michael Lucas Steps up to the Plate

Image courtesy of Lucas Entertainment

This week the Village Voice reported in an article that porn legend Michael Lucas had successful shut down a local LGBT center’s Israeli Apartheid Week event scheduled for next month when he put pen to paper, so to speak, and sent out emails condemning the scheduled “party” for its anti-Semitic message. While the center maintains that they have an open door policy when it comes to who is able to use the facility, Lucas argued that sending that sort of message at a place that is supposed to be supportive of an often-persecuted people would be a contradiction and would undermine the validity of the LGBT center in the first place. After much debate the Center released a statement saying that they would cancel the event because it “interfere[d] with the Center’s focus on our core mission.” Lucas for his part, has been passionate about his position and has sent out a stream of press releases, which no doubt helped the center arrive at the decision to cancel the event. In the porn community Lucas has often been seen as a controversial figure, but he has never been afraid to speak his mind and stand up for what he believes in. He is a successful businessperson and as such uses his power and his voice to help support his causes. Whether you love or hate Michael Lucas, there is no denying that he is certainly a man to be respected for his convictions as well as his success.

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