Miley gets a Gay Tattoo, Sort of

Miley Cyrus may talk like she’s got dick suckers cramp with her whisky drinkin 4 pack a day cigarette smokin southern accent, but she ain’t no dummy. The girl knows that the only way to stay relevant in music after your prepubescent years fade is to appeal to the gay audience so this week she decided to add a new tat to help her show her support for gay rights and gay marriage. Miley tweeted a picture of her equal sign ink that is located on her ring finger with the message that “ALL LOVE is equal.” It actually looks more like she got two paper cuts, but at least the sentiment is there. Fans have been in a frenzy about the teen shedding her squeaky clean image as of late, and this just seems to be one more step away from her former Disney image. I think her next step should be to go down on Melissa Etheridge at a concert hall and then I think her transformation will truly be complete.


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